Lucía Scaff Fuenzalida

Cargo: Profesora   /    Teléfono:  Oficina:    /   Mail: 
Ingeniería Civil en Recursos Hídricos y Medio Ambiente, Universidad de Chile.
Magíster en Meteorología, Universidad de Chile.
Doctora en Hidrometeorología, del Coldwater Laboratory del Global Institute for Water Security de la Universidad de Saskatchewan (Canadá)
Líneas de Investigación:  Física atmosférica, modelado climático regional, hidrometeorología y cambio climático
Currículum (pdf)
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Diel streamflow cycles suggest more sensitive snowmelt-driven streamflow to climate change than land surface modeling doesSA Krogh, L Scaff, JW Kirchner, B Gordon, G Sterle, A HarpoldHydrology and Earth System Sciences 26 (13), 3393-34172022
Dryline characteristics in North America’s historical and future climatesL Scaff, AF Prein, Y Li, AJ Clark, SA Krogh, N Taylor, C Liu, …Climate Dynamics 57 (7-8), 2171-21882021
Smoke from regional wildfires alters lake ecologyF Scordo, S Chandra, E Suenaga, SJ Kelson, J Culpepper, L Scaff, …Scientific reports 11 (1), 1-142021
Hydroclimate of the Andes Part II: Hydroclimate variability and sub-continental patternsPA Arias, R Garreaud, G Poveda, JC Espinoza, J Molina-Carpio, …Frontiers in Earth Science, 6662021
CONUS II, a new 20-year convection-permitting simulation over North America: How well does it performs on snowpack?L Scaff, K Ikeda, R Rasmussen, D Matte, AF Prein, C Liu, Y Li, L LiAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, A096-00032020
Diel observations suggest earlier snowmelt-driven streamflow than land surface modelingAA Harpold, SA Krogh, L Scaff, G Sterle, JW Kirchner, BL GordonAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, H225-022020
Impacts of changing winter warm spells on snow ablation in the mountains of western North AmericaL Scaff, SA Krogh, Y LiAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, C047-00192020
Simulating the convective precipitation diurnal cycle in North America’s current and future climateL Scaff, AF Prein, Y Li, C Liu, R Rasmussen, K IkedaClimate Dynamics 55, 369-3822020
Hydroclimate of the Andes Part I: main climatic featuresJC Espinoza, R Garreaud, G Poveda, PA Arias, J Molina-Carpio, …Frontiers in Earth Science, 642020
Intensification of the dryline over the lee of the Canadian Rockies in a warmer climateL Scaff, Y Li, AF Prein, A Clark, NM Taylor, R Rasmussen, Z LiAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, A11V-27522019
High-resolution regional climate modeling and projection<? xmltex\break?> over western Canada using a weather research forecasting<? xmltex\break?> model with a pseudo-global …Y Li, Z Li, Z Zhang, L Chen, S Kurkute, L Scaff, X PanHydrology and Earth System Sciences 23 (11), 4635-46592019
Combined impacts of ENSO and MJO on the 2015 growing season drought on the Canadian PrairiesZ Li, Y Li, B Bonsal, AH Manson, L ScaffHydrology and Earth System Sciences 22 (10), 5057-50672018
Simulating the convective precipitation diurnal cycle in a North American scale convection-permitting modelL Scaff, Y Li, AF Prein, C Liu, R Rasmussen, K IkedaAGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, A24F-042017
Meteorological Interpretation of Orographic Precipitation Gradients along an Andes West Slope Basin at 30° S (Elqui Valley, Chile)L Scaff, JA Rutllant, D Rahn, S Gascoin, R RondanelliJournal of Hydrometeorology 18 (3), 713-7272017
Inconsistency in precipitation measurements across the Alaska–Yukon borderL Scaff, D Yang, Y Li, E MekisThe Cryosphere 9 (6), 2417-24282015
Interpretación hidro-meteorológica de los gradientes orográficos de precipitación en el Valle del ElquiML Scaff FuenzalidaUniversidad de Chile2012