Blasco, J., Tabone, I., Moreno-Parada, D., Robinson, A., Alvarez-Solas, J., Pattyn, F., and Montoya, M.: Antarctic tipping points triggered by the mid-Pliocene warm climate, Clim. Past, 20, 1919–1938,, 2024.
Tabone, I., Robinson A., Montoya M., Álvarez-Solas, J.: Holocene thinning in central Greenland controlled by the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream, Nat Commun, 15, 6434 (2024).
Blasco, J., Tabone I., Moreno-Parada D., Robinson A., Álvarez-Solas, J., Pattyn F., Montoya M. (2023): Antarctic Tipping points triggered by the mid-Pliocene warm climate, Climate of the Past Discussions, doi: 10.5194/cp-2023-76.
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Álvarez-Solas, J., Blasco, J., Gabarró, C., Montoya, M., Robinson, A., Tabone, I. (2021), Criosfera: el hielo polar y su papel en el clima terrestre, chapter of Observando los polos: Una visión integral del conocimiento de las zonas polares y sobre las alteraciones que están sufriendo debido al cambio global (2021) ,Versión del editor: http://editorial. csic. es/publicaciones/libros/13561/0/observando-los-polos. html URI: http://hdl. handle. net/10261/261503 ISBN: 978-84-00-10865-6.
Tabone, I., Robinson, A., Alvarez-Solas, J., Montoya, M. (2019): Submarine melt as a potential trigger for the North East Greenland Ice Stream margin retreat during Marine-Isotope Stage 3, The Cryosphere, 13, 1911-1923, doi: 10.5194/tc-13-1911-2019.
Tabone, I., Robinson, A., Alvarez-Solas, J., Montoya, M. (2019): Impact of millennial-scale oceanic variability on the Greenland ice-sheet evolution throughout the last glacial period, Climate of the Past. 15, 593-609, doi: 10.5194/cp-15-593-2019.
Blasco, J., Tabone, I., Robinson, A., Álvarez-Solas, J. and Montoya, M. (2019): The Antarctic Ice Sheet response to glacial millennial-scale variability, Climate of the Past, 15, 121-133, doi: 10.5194/cp-15-121-2019.
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Tabone, I., Briz, S., Anzalone, A., De Castro, AJ, Lopez, F., Ferrarese, S., Isgrò, F., Cassardo, C., Cremonini, R., Bertaina, M., Comparing different methods to retrieve cloud top height from Meteosat satellite data, Proc. SPIE 9640, Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere XX, 96400C (16 October 2015);