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Cargo: Profesor Asociado / Teléfono: 2207280Oficina: 441 / Mail: |
Estudios: Licenciatura en Ciencias con Mención en Física, Universidad de Chile, 1996. Ph.D. en Oceanografia, Old Dominion University, 2004. |
Líneas de Investigación: Modelación numérica del océano (ROMS) atmósfera (WRF), Interacciones Físico-Biológicas, Transporte larval. |
Currículum (pdf) |
Docencia: Modelación Aplicada del Océano (Geofísica); Modelación Numérica de la Atmosfera (Geofísica); Problemas Inversos en Geofísica (Geofísica); Considere una Vaca Esférica (Ramo de servicio, complementario);Programación Numérica en Geofísica. |
Página Personal |
Proyectos en ejecución:
Modelling the role of biogeochemical river input into fjord systems in chilean Patagonia. FONDECYT Regular, Investigador Principal. Folio/N°: 1211230, 2021-2025.
Proyecto VRID Iniciación (2024001157INI) “Searching and predicting changes of intense winter precipitation over the western side of extratropical mountains”, 2024-2025, Co-Investigador. Investigadora Principal: Lucía Scaff.
Últimos proyectos terminados
A near-surface wind field climatology for Marine Energy assessment in Western Patagonia , FONDECYT, Coinvestigador Folio/N°: 1181155. 2018 – 2021.
Identificación de áreas de conservación o resguardo para los recursos sardina común y anchoveta en la zona centro-sur de Chile. FIPA 2016-34 Co-Investigador. 2016-2017.
Proyecto MOSA, Fase II, IFOP 16554-09, Investigador Principal, 2016-2017.
Proyecto Parti-MOSA, IFOP 20502-196, Investigador Principal, 2017.
Changes in the ENSO modulation of central Chile hydroclimate: Anthropogenic interference in the South Pacific? FONDECYT, Coinvestigador Folio/N°: 1170286 2017 – 2018.
Lista de publicaciones:
Todas las publicaciones del profesor Sepúlveda se pueden ver aquí.
Wind and wave height climate from two decades of altimeter records on the Chilean Coast (15°- 56.5°S). Mediavilla, D., Sepúlveda, H.H., Alonso, G. Ocean Dynamics. 1-9, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10236-019-01316-9
Comparison of QuikSCAT, WRF and buoy ocean surface wind data off Valparaiso Bay, Chile. M. Cáceres-Soto, H. H. Sepúlveda, K. Muñoz-Mellado y O. Artal. Journal of Marine Systems, Volumen 203, marzo 2020, 103263; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2019.103263. Artículo.
The impact of spring-neap tidal-stream cycles in tidal energy assessments in the Chilean Inland Sea
Osvaldo Artal, Oscar Pizarro y Héctor H. Sepúlveda
Renewable Energy, Agosto 2019, Páginas 496-506; https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0960148119302460
Osvaldo Artal, H. H. Sepúlveda, Domingo Mery y Christian Pieringer; Detecting and characterizing upwelling filaments in a numerical ocean model; Computers and Geosciences, volumen 122, enero 2019, páginas 25-34.
J. Salcedo-Castro, N. Pillar da Silva, R. de Camargo, E. Marone y H. H. Sepúlveda; Estimation of extreme wave height return periods from short-term interpolation of multi-mission satellite data: application to the South Atlantic. Ocean Science, 14, 911-921, 2018. Https://doi.org/10.5194/os-14-911-2018.
Herrera, J., Cornejo, P., Sepúlveda, H.H., Artal, O., and Quiñones, R.A., A Novel Approach To Assess The Hydrodynamic Effects Of A Salmon Farm In A Patagonian Channel: Coupling Between Regional Ocean Modeling And High Resolution LES Simulation. Aquaculture, 495 (2018) 115-129.
Vergara, O.A., Echevin, V., Sepúlveda, H.H. and Quiñones, R.A., Controlling factors of the seasonal variability of productivity in the southern Humboldt Current System (30° S-40° S): a biophysical modeling approach. Continental Shelf Research, 148, 89-103, 2017.
Verena Häussermann, Carolina S Gutstein, Michael Beddington, David Cassis, Carlos Olavarrìa, Andrew C Dale, Ana M Valenzuela-Toro, María José Pérez-Álvarez, Héctor H Sepúlveda, Kaitlin M McConnell, Fanny E Horwitz, Günter Försterra, Largest baleen whale mass mortality during strong El Niño event is likely related to harmful toxic algal bloom, PeerJ, 5(e3132), 2017.
Ewers-Saucedo, C, Pringle, J. M., Sepúlveda, H.H., Byers, J. E., Navarrete, S.A., Wares, J. P., The relationship between biogeography and phylogeography: Case study of a Chilean intertidal barnacle (Notochthamalus scabrosus), Ecology and Evolution, 6 (13), 4403-4420, 2016.
Vergara, O.A., Echevin, V., Sepúlveda, H.H., Colas, F., Quiñones, R.A., Modelling the seasonal dynamics of physical variables and the Peru- Chile Undercurrent off Central Chile (30°-40°S), Continental Shelf Research, 123, 61-79, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2016.04.001, 2016.
Mediavilla, D.G., Sepúlveda, H.H., Nearshore assessment of wave energy resources in central Chile (2009-2010). Renewable Energy, 90, 136-144. DOI:10.1016/j.renene.2015.12.066, 2016.
Cornejo, P., Sepúlveda, H.H., “Computational fluid dynamics modelling of a midlatitude small scale upper ocean front”, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 9 (4), 1851-1863, 2016.
C. Ewers- Saucedo, J. Pringle, H.H. Sepúlveda, J. Byers, S. Navarrete y J. Wares. The oceanic concordance of phylogeography and biogeography: a case study in Notochthamalus. Ecology and Evolution, 2016.
Salcedo-Castro, J., de Camargo, R., Marone, E., Sepúlveda, H.H., “Using the mean pressure gradient and NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis to measure the strength of the South Atlantic Anticyclone”. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 71, 83-90, 2015
Olivares, G., Sepúlveda, H.H., Yannicelli, B., “Definition of sanitary boundaries to prevent ISAv spread between salmon farms in Southern Chile based on numerical simulations of currents”. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Research, 158, 31-39, 2015
Sepúlveda, H.H., Queffeulou, P., Ardhuin, F., “Assessment of SARAL/Altika wave height measurements relative to buoy, Jason-2 and Cryosat-2 data”, Marine Geodesy, 38(S1), 449-465, 2015
Neighbors, C.J., Liao, E.J., Cochran, E.S., Funning, G.J., Chung, A.I., Lawrence, J.F., Christensen, C., J.F., Belmonte, A. Miller, M., Sepulveda, H.H., (2015), Investigation of the high-frequency attenuation parameter, κ (kappa), from aftershocks of the 2010 Mw 8.8 Maule, Chile earthquake, Geophysical Journal International, vol. 200(1), p. 200-215. DOI: 10.1093/gji/ggu390 (ISI)
Cornejo, P., Sepúlveda, H.H., Gutierrez, M.G., Olivares, G. Numerical studies on the hydrodynamic effects of a salmon farm in an idealized environment. Aquaculture, 430, 195-206, 2014 (ISI)
Sepúlveda, H.H., Olivares, G. Comentarios a »Aplicación de un modelo de trazadores lagrangianos en Bahía Anegada, Argentina» de Álvarez et al. (2011), Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, 48(1), 199-201, 2013 (ISI)
Héctor H. Sepúlveda, Patrick Marchesiello & Zhijin Li, «Oceanic data assimilation study in northern Chile: use of a 3DVAR method». Latin American Journal of Aquatic Research, Res., 41(3): 570-575, 2013 (ISI)
Sepúlveda, H.H., Comments on “Simulation of Jeddah multi–port sea outfall” by Abdullah S. Al-Ghamdi [J.Coast. Conserv.] (2010) 14:63-69, Journal of Coastal Conservation: Planning and Management, 16(1), 63-64. DOI: 10.1007/s11852-011 2012 (ISI)
Letelier, J., L. Soto, S. Salinas, D. Lopez, E. Pinilla, H.H. Sepúlveda, C. Rodrigo. Variability of wind, waves and currents in the north Chilean Patagonic fiords. Revista de Biología Marína y Oceanografía, 46(3) 363-377, 2011 (ISI)
H.H. Sepulveda, O.E. Artal, C. Torregrosa, «LiveROMS: A virtual environment for ocean numerical simulations», Environmental Modelling & Software 26 (11), 1372-1373 2011 (ISI)
A.I. Chung, C. Neighbors, A. Belmonte, M. Miller, H.H. Sepúlveda, C.Christensen, R.S. Jakka, E.S. Cochran, J.F. Lawrence. «The Quake-Catcher Network Rapid Aftershock Mobilization Program Following the 2010 M 8.8 Maule, Chile Earthquake», Seismological Research Letters, 82 (4), 526-532, 2011 (ISI)
Richard Watson, Adela Chen, Maric Boudreau, Héctor Sepúlveda, «Green projects: An informationdriven analysis of four cases», The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 20(1), 55-62, DOI: 10.1016/j.jsis.2010.09.004 2011 (ISI)
Patrick Marchesiello, Zhijin Li and Andres Sepúlveda, «Regional Ocean Forecasting : Downscaling Strategy for Coastal and Submesoscale Phenomena», Mercator Quaterly Newsletter, 38, 32-37, 2010
Framinan, M. B., A. Valle-Levinson, H. H. Sepulveda, and O. B. Brown, «Tidal variations of flow convergence, shear, and stratification at the Rio de la Plata estuary turbidity front», Journal of Geophysical Research, 113, C08035, doi:10.1029/2006JC004038, 2008 (ISI)
Thiel, M., Macaya, E., Acuña, E., Arntz, W., Bastías, H., Brokordt, K., Camus, P., Castilla, J.C., Castro, L., Cortés, M., Dumont, C., Escribano, R., Fernandez, M., Gajardo, J., Gaymer, C., Gomez, I., González, A., González, H., Haye, P., Illanes, J., Iriarte, J., Lancellott, D., Luna-Jorquera, G., Luxoro, C., Manríquez, P., Marín, V., Muñoz, P., Navarrete, S., Pérez, E., Poulin, E., Sellanes, J., Sepúlveda, H.H., Stotz, W., Tala, F., Thomas, A., Vargas, C., Vasquez, J., & Alonso J.M., «The Humboldt Current Systemm of Northern and Central Chile Oceanographic Processes, Ecological Interactions and Socioeconomic Feedback. Oceanography and Marine Biology». An Annual Review, 45, 195-344 2007.
Sepúlveda H.H., A Valle-Levinson, M.B. Framiñan. “Observations of subtidal and tidal flow in the Río de la Plata Estuary”, Continental Shelf Research, 24(4-5), 509-525, 2004.
Cáceres, M., A. Valle-Levinson, H.H. Sepúlveda, K. Holderied. “Transverse variability of and density in a Chilean fjord”, Continental Shelf Research, 22(11-13), 1683-1698, 2002.
Valle Levinson A., M. Cáceres, H.H. Sepúlveda, K. Holderied. “Flow patterns in the channels related to the mouth of Aysen Sound”. Ciencia y Tecnología del Mar (Chile), 25(2), 2002.
Sepúlveda, H.H., V. Marín. “Numerical Modeling of circulation in the northern platform of the South Shetland Islands; an example on the use of resources in INTERNET». Ser.Cient. INACH (Chile). 46:161-170, 1996.
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